How Workers’ Compensation Works in Nebraska
If you have sustained injuries while on the job, you could be facing mounting medical bills and lost income. In some instances, you might not be able to go to work because of the injury. As you navigate the workers’ compensation system in the state, Workers’ Compensation lawyers in Nebraska can support you at each step of the process. They can review your case to determine its strength and collect the necessary evidence to support it.
Filing for Workers’ Compensation
Accidents occur on the job all the time. This is the reason state law requires companies to carry workers’ compensation insurance that covers injured workers. Filing for workers’ compensation following a work-related injury provides different benefits to injured employees. If you are in this situation, you can recover damages associated with your injury including lost wages, medical bills, and disability benefits.
Some injuries do not qualify for workers’ compensation. However, in general, if the accident took place in your workplace or while taking part in a work-related activity, you can be eligible for compensation.
Right after the workplace injury, you must report it to your supervisor right away. You may have to fill out a form or incident report. Also, ensure you go to a physician as soon as possible. By consulting a doctor, you can seek treatment for your injuries and establish the injuries for the record.
In addition, your doctor may outline the work restrictions according to their evaluation of your injuries. Ensure you communicate such restrictions to your supervisor, so adjustments can be made. After you visited the doctor and notify your employer about your injuries, they will contact their insurance carrier, which will decide on your claim.
How to Deal with Worker’s Comp Delays or Denials
Workers’ compensation insurance companies do not automatically approve claims. They will review the claims first together with the employer of the injured worker. If they approve your claim, you can get the benefits you deserve as soon as possible.
But if your claim is denied, you can challenge the decision of the insurer by filing a petition with the workers’ comp court. From there, the claim can be resolved out of the courtroom or decided by a judge. This process can be quite complicated; however, an attorney can help.
Obtaining the compensation you deserve following a workplace accident can be hard. Insurance providers can delay or reject the claim. Sometimes, your employer may not pay the benefits you need. Thankfully, a skilled workers’ compensation insurance company can help you pursue the benefits you are entitled to.
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