
Blog (Page 25)

How to Choose the Right Law School in the US

Typically, international students have to choose from many schools if they want to to get admission in a US law school. For them, it is a challenge to choose the best law school. They have to perform a lot of research before making the ultimate decision. If you want to choose the right school in the United States, follow the tips given below. Check out the Law School Rankings If you are exploring schools in the US, make sure you... ❯❯❯

What Is Probate in Relation to a Will?

A will is a legal document that outlines what one would want to happen after their death in terms of their funeral, care for their children and most important of all, distribution of their estate. When a person dies having drafted their will, they are said to have died testate in legal terms. The opposite of this would be dying intestate. A will usually specifically states the name of an executor, a person entrusted by the testator or... ❯❯❯

Time Taken for Trademark Registration in India Can Be Reduced With the Expedited Examination

In India, there are approximately 2 to 3 lakh trademark applications pending to be registered. It is almost impossible to get the trademark registered within a year's time. Due to its technicality and legal aspect, it is very important that every application be analyzed and scrutinized properly before any type of registration is granted for the same. If anything wrong happens and the ministry ends up giving the trademark registration... ❯❯❯

How to Raise a Trademark Objection

Registering a trademark may not be enough - protect your brand from infringers A trademark serves as a unique identity which imparts a personality to a product or service. It can range from a slogan, logo, graphic, color combination, sound, smell, taste or even an individual's name. After the few basic steps of application, the applied trademark needs to be approved by the trademark offices in India. Usually a product can start using... ❯❯❯

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